How to prolong life with AI Insights

How to prolong life with AI Insights


5 min read

In the present world of constant climate changes, natural calamities, and new variants of contagious viruses, we are not able to live the average lifespan of humans. Personalized healthcare is not possible due to increase of population. Each person will have their own pattern of health condition, based on their geographies and food habits and so many parameters. This sets of problems in the future can only be solved by a futuristic technology.

Power of AI:

In every sector AI has made its own mark. It is constantly making the lives of us humans easy. We need to have this work in our lives for the Lifespan extension. We keep forgetting to take care of ourselves due to our own personal and professional tasks. Importance of healthcare should be given highest importance among all the other tasks. That’s why AI will keep reminding you to take care of your health. In case you forget any medicines to take in time or regular health checkups, predicting patterns in your body from time to time. And how your body has affected in a timespan. External changes that will affect our own body.

We can take the help of devices that are connected to our hearts, wrist, brain, and other important places which will collect the data to get better insights and hidden patterns. This data is separated and have no comparison with other patients. Each pattern will be different from others which uses DNA, RNA patterns. The way you appear, and external/physical health is tracked down with Health data analysis. Heartbeats, beathing patterns are helpful in finding down the fitness and that data can also be used to predict the big diseases.

Time saving and remote treatments:

Many of the lab tests, diagnosis takes time to get the accurate reports. Sometimes we may not get the time for ourselves to go for checkup, diagnosis. It may not be possible to get remote services, or we don’t have knowledge to take tests by ourselves. With AI based predictions we can reports instantly and save time by not going for clinics and waiting there. The required knowledge for the patient about the disease can be given through comprehensive guiding. Where he can learn about the symptoms and what to do if he has got those symptoms. In case of small-scale therapy’s, he can follow the step-by-step guide through the screen. He can virtually contact the doctor to follow the steps for self-treatment. Many parts of the world, doctors are also performing virtual surgeries as well. Through robotic surgeries where the machine is guided every step to follow in the surgery and can be performed with utmost accuracy.

For the patients whose body functionality is limited and can lead to death because of failure of parts like heart, liver, pancreas, dysfunctionality of limbs, makes person to lead a horrible life. The process of dialysis for purification of blood whose kidneys are failing. In case of all these diseases we can make the correct predictions for lab tests, imaging, making records.

Many cases of these problems are failing because of improper treatments. Without high accuracy it will lead to malfunction of parts, medical devices and eventually to death. It is a mistake of healthcare department to make wrong Health data analysis. Youngsters, healthy people who are completely alright but are facing heart, liver, kidney failures are losing their valuable lifespan due to sudden changes and not recognizing it earlier. It is because there is no case of early predictions and calculations in their cases. We can save lives of small kids and young teens who are suffering from different disorders.

Who have already tackled these issues are living with artificially programmed body parts. By making matchable heart beats to circulate blood for entire body these beats can be predicted through AI. Peacemakers are used to control the heart rate and match the blood rate for all the parts. In brain failures and paralysis cases, person cannot walk permanently. Brain responds slowly for these people, and it’s very hard to communicate. AI will connect the brain and share the thoughts through a data modulator. AI powered brain will make movements for paralyzed person and respond to his brain. The purpose of longevity in AI is to make a living better by solving down the issues of living body.

The one who can surpass the present disorders in his body can lead a complete lifespan. At all stages of human life AI insights are helpful in tackling down the disorders. Because of obesity and not following a good diet and fitness, at very young age there are new diseases with will keep brakes for prolonged life. Through AI insights one can actually follow a good diet for each one. You can follow a type of diet and follow the same type of fitness to lose calories and maintain lean body. If one cannot perform tough exercises, they can choose to do easy one’s by stop consuming more calories. There is a sort of balancing in every way through AI sights. This case was not easy earlier. Now due to more preference for remote healthcare there is a necessity for new innovations. Constant innovations can make difference in AI to develop more developments for health data analysis.


AI is constantly changing our lives and can change the lifespan as well. We have to welcome the change in healthcare through big data analytics. Our future will be easier and more prolonged life is possible with insights.